2023 PINK Concussions Sports Award

2019 PINK Concussions Awards

Presented at IBIA’s World Congress in Toronto, Canada

The 2019 Military Service Award for her research in brain injury in female veterans

  • Dr. Maheen Mausoof Adamson Senior Scientific Research Director, Defense & Veterans Brain Injury Center/Clinical Associate Professor, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Stanford School of Medicine

The 2019 Domestic Violence Award: for her research in DV/IPV and brain injury 

  • Eve M. Valera PhD Director, Laboratory for Cerebellar Psychiatric Research, Assistant Professor in Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, Research Scientist, Massachusetts General Hospital 

Host Country Awards

PINK Concussions Award at the National-Level for always championing female brain injury topics in their conferences and their support of PINK Concussions

  • Brain Injury Canada

PINK Concussions Award at the Provincial-Level for their unending passion and group efforts to pass Rowan’s Law in Ontario

  • Gordon and Kathleen Stringer in memory of their daughter, Rowan  

  • Hon. Lisa MacLeod Ontario Cabinet Minister  

  • Eric Lindros Retired Professional Canadian ice hockey player

  • Pamela Fuselli MSc, Knowledge Transfer & Stakeholder Relations, Parachute 

  • Charles H. Tator OC, MD, PhD, FRCSC FACS Director, Canadian Concussion Centre, Toronto Western Hospital

  • Dr. Dan Cass Former Chair, Rowan’s Law Advisory Committee; Executive Vice President and Chief Medicine Executive, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre 

PINK Concussions Award at the City-Level for her work with women survivors of gender-based violence including partnerships to address brain injury and IPV

  •  Nneka MacGregor Executive Director, WomenatthecentrE

Click here for Speakers’ Bios

2018 PINK Concussions Awards

Announced at the PINK Panel at NIH’s Workshop on Brain Injury in Women


2017 PINK Concussions Awards

This event was sponsored by Women’s Sports Safety Initiative and Silicon Valley Community Foundation for the PINK Concussions Faculty and all participants. Michelle Fries and Mary Hayashi welcomed the group on behalf of the Women’s Sports Safety Initiative & Silicon Valley Community Foundation.

The Award Program Katherine Snedaker, LCSW, and Dr. Maheen Adamson
The Award Presenters Dr. Odette Harris and Dr. Chris Giza

  • PINK National Award Derek Howard, Esq, for his efforts in achieving concussion reform in national youth soccer programs

  • PINK State Award Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzales and Kimberly Archie for their advocacy in making cheer a sport in California

  • PINK Regional Award Dr. Richard Pan for his efforts leading the Women’s Sports Safety Initiative

The 2016 PINK Concussions Awards

Georgetown University

Gordon and Kathleen Stringer

This year’s PINKconcussions award was presented to Gordon and Kathleen Stringer in memory of their daughter, Rowan Stringer, for their extraordinary efforts to pass Rowan’s Law. 

Rowan’s Law will ensure greater awareness and better treatment for concussion related injuries in Ontario. While every state in the US has concussion related legislation with the passage of Rowan’s Law, Ontario would be the first in Canada. For more information, see #RowansLaw.

Briana Scurry

We were honored to have Briana Scurry @BriScurry give her remarks as an athlete who suffered concussions. Briana is a 2x Gold Medalist, '99 World Cup Champion, '99 World Cup Champion goalkeeper for the #USWNT team. Briana is well on her way with her second career as a public speaker for concussions in sports & private soccer coach.


The Athlete Panel: Improving Concussion Care for Females

Dr. Catherine McGill Children's National moderates the following panelists:

  • Samantha Rapoport USA Football Director of Development

  • Melissa Coyne US Lacrosse Director of Games Admin

  • Josephine Pucci Harvard & US Women's National Hockey

  • Paige Decker Yale Women's Ice Hockey

  • Emilie Bydwell Professional Rugby, All-American

  • Cara Griffith College Student

  • Christina Aldeanueva High School Student

The Press Panel - Role of the Press in Changing Sports Culture

TJ Quinn ESPN moderates the panel

  • Bonnie Ford ESPN

  • Stefan Fatsis SLATE

  • Tom Macleod Sky Sports

  • Patrick Hruby VICE Sports

  • Stanley Kay Sports Illustrated

  • Timothy Bella Al Jazeera America

  • Peter Keating ESPN


See Summit Faculty Interviews on their presentations and experience at the Summit