PINK 5 Houston
The 5th PINK Concussions Summit - #PINK5 - was hosted as a full day track on Friday, March 17, 2017, at North American Brain Injury Society's NABIS + 31st Conference Legal Issues in Brain Injury Conference in Houston, Texas.
FRIDAY, March 16, 2018
9:30-9:20 Welcome and Introduction to the PINK Concussions - Katherine Snedaker
Introducing the PINK Concussions Track - Ron Savage. PINK Board Member
Female Concussions: What we now know - Dr. Chris Giza, PINK Medical Chair
Paper Presentation - Dr. Rosemary Moser
Female brain injury in Sports - Dr. Barry Willer
2:15-3:45 THE PINK Patient PANEL - Moderated by Katherine Snedaker
The all-female panel will consist of a cross section of brain injuries from sports, domestic violence, work-related injuries, accidents, and military service. The panel will also represent a range of ages from teens to older women.
Brittni is former collegiate soccer player who was forced to retire from soccer after her 9th concussion.
Natalie’s career in high school lacrosse ended with a concussion in her sophomore year.
Colleen’s dream of becoming a pediatric occupational therapist was put on hold by a violent workplace assault.
Chéri, a professional actress/model, was sidelined by a fall onto cement in an action scene on the set.
Freya was beaten, strangled, held underwater, and thrown from a porch by her husband.
3:45-4:15 PM Military Service and Domestic Violence - Moderated by Ron Savage
Domestic Violence and Brain Injury - Dr. Glynnis Zieman
Brain Injury in Female Veterans - Katherine Snedaker #PINKBrainPledge
4:15-4:45 PM Community Responses to Brain Injury - Moderated by Ron Savage
A high school student educates her school - Meg McGee
Launching city-wide concussion education and response - Katherine Snedaker
5:00-6:00 PM Pink Concussions Oral Abstracts - Moderator: Ronald C. Savage
48 - Speech Cognitive Therapy and Cognitive Symptom Improvement in Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury as A Result of Domestic Violence - Glynnis Zieman
73 - Optimism in mTBI Rehabilitation: How Depression in Females Affects fMRI-Directed Treatment and Recovery - Alina Fong
68 - Sex Specific Behavioral Deficits Following Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in Adolescent Animals - Ramesh Raghupathi
110 - Females with History of Brain Injury Improve Depression During 8 Week Intervention - Lance Hofer-Draper
114 Exploring Gender Role Conflict and Social Expectations Among Women with Traumatic Brain Injury - Monique Pappadis